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OnPlan™ Scheduling Updates Improve Printed Schedule Accuracy & Usability

Written by UDA Corporate Newsroom | August 30, 2024

Recent updates to OnPlan™ Scheduling - ConstructionOnline’s powerful construction project scheduling tool - include two new enhancements that improve the accuracy and usability of printed construction schedules. 

ConstructionOnline™ Users will find that printed Gantt Chart Schedules now display Lead and/or Lag time with more clarity. The applicable Lead/Lag time onset modifiers (+/- days) for Schedule Tasks appear on printed OnPlan Schedules, ensuring that printed construction schedules reflect the exact timing adjustments necessary for project timeliness and success.

Additionally, ConstructionOnline has added an alert for users taking advantage of the Single Page Print option available for Gantt Chart Schedules. The new alert is triggered in instances when the number of Schedule Tasks included in the print exceeds the maximum allowable tasks for the Single Page Print option. This simple yet intuitive notification helps construction pros avoid cluttered or incomplete printouts, ensuring all schedule documents are clear and comprehensive. 

With intuitive updates that enhance the project scheduling process, ConstructionOnline proves its commitment to providing cutting-edge software solutions that help construction pros keep projects on track and well-organized. To learn more about managing construction project schedules with ConstructionOnline, contact a Product Specialist today at 800.700.8321.