UDA Technologies recently announced the addition of the Schedule Group Completion Report to the already impressive library of Schedule Reports available in ConstructionOnline™. Home to the industry's fastest Gantt Chart Scheduling for more than a decade, ConstructionOnline™ delivers powerful tools for tracking project calendars & schedules to ensure jobs are completed on time and under budget.
The new Schedule Group Completion Report compiles task data from the existing project schedule in ConstructionOnline™ to summarize schedule completion percentage by Schedule Group. The report output delivers a professional, branded report complete with a concise table that displays the Group by Name, Date Range of the Group, and Percent Complete.
Trusted by more than 750,000 construction professionals in over 75 countries worldwide, ConstructionOnline™ Project Scheduling tools lead the industry with advanced Business Intelligence Reporting, Resource Conflict Management, Detailed Task Dependencies, Import/Export with Microsoft Project, Critical Path Management, and more. To learn more, contact UDA Technologies at 1.800.700.8321.