UDA Technologies continues to invest in the speed & stability of ConstructionOnline™ with regular updates, enhancements, and new features added to the award-winning construction project management platform, including -
- Added option to include Subcategory Totals on Purchase Order Reports.
- This option can be found within the Report Options in the Create Purchase Order Details window.
- This option can be found within the Report Options in the Create Purchase Order Details window.
- Updated Delivery Date field on Purchase Order Reports to display as blank by default unless otherwise specified by the user.
- Verified Estimate Status Reports generate successfully in all instances.
- Updated wording and styling of the ClientLink™ and TeamLink™ Settings modal. New styling options include:
- Feature Icons are now color-coded depending upon status:
- If Setting Option is deselected, the Feature Icon will appear gray.
- If Setting Option is selected, the Feature Icon will appear blue.
- Feature Names in Bold font to create contrast from the Feature Descriptions in Roman font
- More space between row items to improve readability
- Feature Icons are now color-coded depending upon status:
Improved usability of the Company Logo and Public Profile Company Logo settings including:
- Ensuring the most recently uploaded file is used as the Public Profile Company Logo.
- Adding the ability to scale and crop images when uploading to the Public Profile Company Logo.
- Updated system to recognize the general Company Logo and Public Profile Company Logo as two discrete files.
- Verified the right-click and More Options Edit Item menu commands for Checklist Items work correctly at both the List and Item Issue levels.
- Ensured markup consistently displays the correct orientation when generating Full-Sized Sheet Reports for Print/Download/Share.
- Verified the Redline™ Sheet sort order in the ConstructionOnline™ Mobile App is congruent with the Redline™ Sheet sort order in the browser access to ConstructionOnline™.
- Confirmed successful display of selected files uploaded from the File Upload modal within ConstructionOnline™ and attached to a Redline™ Sheet.
- Confirmed the Go to Schedule command within ResourceTrak™ consistently opens Company Schedules.